• How To Support Your Emotions With Essential Oils

    Who’s got emotions? All of us, right?? Did you know that essential oils can be a powerful tool in helping soothe them? Check out my video below about emotions… I share more in detail of the “how’s,” but I wanted to give you a quick reference list! For most of these, except peppermint because it’s strong, you can rub them along your brow and temples as well as on your palms. Joy: emotional traumas, painful memories, and heartaches. Lifts the spirit and reduces depression, anxiety, and grief Sandalwood: when a person is overly emotional, trapped in dependency issues, or has faith concerns Harmony: when someone feels trapped in their situation…

  • How to Have a Spa Day at Home

    Life can be stressful. We’re currently on our 52 day of covid-19 quarantine. While we’ve found a new routine, there are definitely stressful aspects! No matter your circumstances, it’s so important to take time for self-care.  While heading to the spa is fantastic, thankfully you can recreate some of the luxurious spa treatments right at home! Turn off all the noise, lower the shades, and spend some time for you! You are worth it! At-Home Spa Diffuser Blend Move your diffuser to your bathroom and get this blend started.  4 Eucalyptus + 2 Peppermint + 2 Valor Spa Water One of the best things about the spa is spa water!…

  • Support Your Sleep With Essential Oil Diffuser Blends

    Let’s talk about bedtime! It seems when we say bedtime in our house, it is a cue for the kids to run around and play! So, we developed a bedtime routine to help calm everyone. One of the first things we do is pray together! After everyone has had a turn to pray we start our declarations…. “I am fully loved! I am created in the image of God!” Each kiddo has a favorite oil they like to use at bedtime. Peace and Calming or Sleepyize are two of our favorites. After they are tucked in it is Momma’s turn relax! I love using this simple pillow spray to start…

  • DIY Body Scrub

    I just love how soft this DIY Body Scrub leaves my skin feeling! I’ve tried to find products that are clean and healthy, but they just don’t see to match what I can create myself at home with Young Living. Create yourself a custom Body Scrub that matches your mood, and leave your skin feeling soft & fresh with this simple DIY: 1/2 cup Granulated Sugar (or more depending on preferred texture) 1/2 cup Fractionated Coconut Oil 15 drops Young Living Essential Oil Directions: Place coconut oil in a bowl and stir in sugar. If you are doing a large batch, use a stand mixer to make this easier! Mix…

  • Top Ten Essential Oil Hacks

    One of the best things about essential oils is there so many ways to use them! Give my top ten oily hacks a try! Trash Can Hack Take the absorbent paper out of the box, add a couple of drops of oil and place in your trash cans, diaper pails, or any place you might need a little freshening! I even threw this in a pair of boots the other day! Reuse Labels Did you know you can reuse the labels from your empty oil bottles??? Be sure to pull off slowly!Be sure your hands are oil-free.Be sure the bottle you are placing it on is oil-free. I love using…

  • Chemical-Free Cleaning Products

    The Thieves Household Cleaner is one of my favorites because it’s an all-in-one cleaner concentrate. I add a capful of cleaner to a spray bottle, fill the rest with filtered water, and I’m ready to go. Even better, I can hand the bottle to my kids and put them to work! Nothing toxic there to harm their little bodies! This cleaner has replaced ALL the bottles I used to buy at the store! A one-stop-shop, Boom!! The cost of Thieves House Hold Cleaner is about $0.04 per ounce. On average, “green” cleaners are about $0.11 per ounce! Most of the time, I spray my regular Thieves All-Purpose Cleaner to clean…

  • Support Your Immune System Naturally with Essential Oils

    WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU FALL BELOW THE WELLNESS LINE? Natural remedies are helpful to our bodies when we are sick, and they are powerful in helping us stay healthy in the first place! Here are some go-to ways I use essential oils to support my family’s immune system. Get that NingXia Red in daily! It’s very high in antioxidants! Get that diffuser going! Diffuse blends like Thieves or RC. Immune Support Diffuser Blend3 drops Thieves3 drops Lemon1 drop Frankincense Apply your essential oils early and often!TIP: Hot oils can be diluted with a carrier oil and apply to the feet. The pores are really big on the bottom of…

  • 30 Budget-Friendly Essential Oils Under $20

    Essential oils are too expensive, they say. Young Living has so many oils that are under $20!!! Did you know there are around 100 drops in a 5ml and 300 drops in a 15ml, depending on the viscosity of the oil. Check out this list of 30 oils under $20! Lime Vitality | 5 ml | $5.75 Clove Vitality | 5 ml | $7.50 Rosemary Vitality | 5 ml | $7.75 Fennel Vitality | 5 ml | $9.00 Christmas Spirit | 5 ml | $10.50 R.C. | 5 ml | $10.50 Jade Lemon | 5 ml | $11.00 Orange | 15 ml | $11.00 Spearmint Vitality | 5 ml |…

  • Beginner’s Guide to Carrier Oils

    Carrier oils are usually overlooked because they don’t contain the therapeutic constituents of other essential oils, but they can play an indispensable companion of topically applied essential oils. Jojoba Oil: Works wonderfully as a skin moisturizer. Non-greasy doesn’t clog pores. Contains vitamin E and B vitamins, which help to treat sunburns and wounds, it has antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties, and it contains three fatty acids. Almond oil: Absorbs relatively quickly; leaves a slight hint of oil on the skin. Rich in vitamin E and oleic acid. Good all-purpose carrier oil Fractionated Coconut Oil: Unlike coconut oil, fractionated coconut oil is liquid at room temperature. Absorbs well; leaves skin feeling silky…

  • Lavender Clay Facemask

    In our busy schedules with so much going on, it’s so important to take time for self-care. Turn off all the noise, lower the shades, and spend some time for you! You are worth it, and on the other side, you’ll be stronger than you were before! This simple clay mask is a great way to revive your skin! 1 tbsp European Clay or Bentonite Clay 1 tbsp cold water Few drops of Lavender Oil Mix ingredients together. Thoroughly cover face and neck, allow to sit for 10-20 minutes. Rinse off and apply moisturizer.