FREE Facebook Essential Oils 101 Class – Online on Wed, Feb 25 at 8pm CST!
As you’ve probably noticed, I love to talk about essential oils. That might be an understatement. I LOVE to talk about essential oils. Why? Because they have literally revolutionized our lives! Exaggeration? Nope! 🙂
This Wednesday, February 25 at 8pm CST, I am co-teaching an online Facebook class, all about essential oils! You can learn more and get your questions answered, without having to leave your warm house! (It’s sleeting where I live right now, so I’m REALLY glad I don’t have to leave!)
We’re also going to give away a free bottle of Jade Lemon essential oil to participants in our class, and we’ve got a few more goodies up our sleeves!
Follow this event link right now, and click Join! Then, Facebook *should* send you notifications to remind you about the upcoming class!
Join now! Facebook Essentials Oils 101 Class
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