Bone Broth For Busy Mamas
Bone Broth For Busy Mamas
Guest writer Susan Count joins us today to share about her super simple way of making a kitchen staple, bone broth!
Don’t throw that bone to the dogs! In that bone is ‘superfood – super nutrition”. Use your crockpot to make a bone broth that will nourish your cells like nothing else.
Why bother? Bother because you know that farming practices have depleted the minerals in our soils so we need to be deliberate about supplying them to our body. This is especially true if we have any degenerative or auto immune diseases. Make your own broth and you won’t get the “natural flavor”- cough-cough of MSG or sugar.
OH the minerals you will get… calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, arginine, chondroitin, glucosamine and other trace minerals. PLUS a few amino acids – glycine and proline.
Nutrient dense bone broth
* helps fight a cold, flu and infections
* helps build strong bones, teeth, nails and hair
* fights inflammation
* and aids in digestion.
Are you ready? Let’s get started!
Here comes the hard part!
1. Turn the crock pot ON.
2. Add bones from any mammal or even a fish. Would it be best if the animal was organic? Absolutely yes! If it is a large bone, split it open with a cleaver.
3. Add 1 Tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar (the kind that has the “mother” in the bottle). The ACV helps release the minerals from the bone.
4. Fill crock pot with water.
5. Cook on low about 24 hours, strain and store in glass jars in refrigerator.
6. Doctor up the flavor with healthy vegetables and Celtic or Himalayan Sea Salt.
Then use your nutrition rich broth anywhere you use stock; to braise vegetables, make soups and stews or even drink it straight. You can also freeze the cubes to have them ready to go anytime!
I hate to think that my dog has been smarter than me all these years but truth can hurt. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that bone broth = healthy for you. She gnaws on a bone until there is absolutely nothing left. She got the cartilage, minerals and red blood cell building marrow but I am smarter now.
~From the kitchen of Susan Count Hastings
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