How are Essential Oils Made?
Attention do-it-yourself’ers! When you make things, are you hoping to save money and have a better product? (read: less chemicals) When I got into essential oils, it didn’t take me long to go down the “I wonder if I can do this at home” path.
The short answer? “Yes, I could. But unless the zombie apocalypse has started, I won’t.”
Want to know why? I can’t do it better than Young Living! While the overall process looks simple, it is actually SUPER complicated! At Young Living, their employees are trained on the distillation process for 6-7 YEARS before they are released to distill on their own!
It’s also more expensive to make your own! It can take hundreds or even thousands of pounds of plant material to make a pound of essential oil! A full scale organic farming operation is not feasible for me. Maybe you could pull it off, but I need to leave it to the experts.
Check out these short videos on the process of making essential oils! Especially fun for me is that I have had the privilege to GO to some of the farms you’ll see on the video! Young Living invites their distributors to come visit and work on the farms. You can go too!
After you watch the videos, make sure and go the bottom of this post for a SUPER important message! Did I say SUPER important? Don’t miss this!
1. Seed
2. Cultivate
3. Distill
4. Test
5. Seal
As you probably noticed in these videos, Young Living is very demanding about their quality. Why?
This happened just last week (Feb 15): Names have been clipped to protect privacy.
Did you follow that? They got oils at the grocery store, and used them like they are Young Living oils. And now she’s in the hospital. 🙁
99% of the oils that are produced in the U.S. are NOT 100% pure, even if they are labeled as such. Oil companies can say whatever they want, but their oil only has to have 5% of the actual oil in it to be labeled pure. I don’t know about you, but 25% or even 98% pure doesn’t equal 100% pure to me! Check your bottles for expiration dates and for Do Not Ingest warning labels. Those are alarm bells that there is junk in your oils!
A pharmacist taught me that the side effects of medications are actually caused by the ~1% of impurities in the drugs. The same can be true of oils – I want the benefit of the OILS, and not side effects from impurities that may be in them! So, I don’t settle for or use anything less than Young Living. They are fanatics about their quality standards – to the tune of staying out of stock on one of their most popular oils for 9 months because the harvest of one key ingredient was damaged. They *could* have substituted a lower quality oil and gotten the oil back in stock. But they refused to compromise. That’s a HUGE trust builder for me!
Essential oils are fabulous and can be very powerful. They must be used correctly and with only the top level of purity. Know what you’re using and never compromise.
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