Review: FishFlix.com Owlegories DVD
I love the opportunity to receive new Christian movies for the kids to try. Our van has a DVD player, and we love to take family road trips, especially to state parks. We also live about 30 minutes from the city, and so we are in the car a lot! FishFlix.com kindly sent us one of their new releases to review, entitled Owlegories: The Ant, The Fruit, The Butterfly, so we popped it in on a recent road trip to try it out.
My kids LOVED this DVD! I wondered if it might be a bit young for Super D (3rd grade), but he is the most vocal in begging me to get another Owlegories DVD! The kids want to play it over and over, and they love singing the songs from the stories.
The Owlegories 2 DVD is an animated series that teaches kids about God and the ways of God, through nature and God’s Word. This DVD has 3 stories on it. The entire runtime is 34 minutes, and the stories are short enough to keep their attention, but long enough to get the desired point across! The first episode is called The Ant. Through a fun story, it teaches kids about the value of working hard, and not giving up! Very timely since we’ve been talking about that lately with Super D and helping him learn the value of chores.
The second story is called The Fruit and teaches the kids about the fruit of the Spirit! Sweetheart especially enjoyed the Fruit of the Spirit song and asked me to play it over and over.
The last story is called The Butterfly. The kids in the story get to overcome their fear of bugs and learn about caterpillars. It was fun to hear Robert Morris’ voice in this story too – he pastored the church we attended a couple of years ago!
We give the Owlegories 2 DVD 2 thumbs up! Visit FishFlix.com to check out their wide variety of movies, for ALL ages. When I was visiting their site earlier today, a popup appeared offering an additional 10% off. See if you can find that popup when you’re ordering. I love coupon codes! 🙂 🙂
Other favorites of ours from FishFlix.com include the entire What’s in the Bible series! We got the entire series for Christmas this year, and watch them over and over again in the car. I love how thorough and entertaining they are! My kids have learned a lot about the Bible from that series. Phil Vischer isn’t afraid to tackle the tough questions of faith, and he handles them well!
Our FishFlix.com wish list includes the first Owlegories DVD and the 6 Superbook dvd’s. We’ve heard great things about the Superbook DVD’s and will enjoy adding those to our collection at some point.
FishFlix.com is offering a giveaway of 5 movies including The War Room, The Ultimate Gift, My Son My Savior, Owlegories 2, and Superbook Giant Adventure! You can enter here –> FishFlix.com Giveaway!
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