It’s Time

Yes, I think it’s time to say farewell to Oreos.  And, really, it’s ok.  I wanted to write an ode in honor but couldn’t quite bring myself to tackle iambic pentameter tonight.  Another time.
See, I really did love Oreos.  I would eagerly wait for the first Monday of each month to get my coupon for free Oreos off of Facebook.  I would even print an extra for my dad and mail it to him, because he loves Oreos even more than I do.  did.

But since I’ve made my Outrageous Chocolate Chip cookies (see my last post for the recipe), processed, high fructose corn syrup-containing oreos just can’t hold a candle to them.  So I’m enjoying some time with my mixer and making cookies!  It really doesn’t take very long.  And Davy LOVES it.  He came back into the kitchen earlier this week (after we’d put him to bed) and got upset that I was making cookies.  Don’t most kids get excited when their moms make cookies?  Not mine.  He said that I can’t make cookies without my helper!  What was I thinking??

We had the MOST AMAZING DINNER last night – Sprouts had their chuck roasts on sale for $1.99/lb, so I bought one..  Oh my gosh.  It was incredible.  It definitely rated in the top ten meals we have ever had.  Seriously.  And it was oh so much work, let me tell you.  I had to get my crock pot out of the cupboard and plug it in.  Then I had to add a tiny bit of water, unwrap the roast, sprinkle some Italian dressing seasoning on top, and let it cook.  I was obviously slaving away.  But it was all worthwhile.  I had such a happy husband. And we all love happy husbands.

I’ll leave you with a cute Davy video, showing our favorite section of him “reading” Fish Out of Water by Dr. Seuss.  He also instructed me to “observe” yesterday as he wrote a few letters ALL BY HIMSELF!  I’m proud of my little dude.  =)