Review: The Beginner’s Bible
The Homeschool Review Crew is kicking off a new year, and I’m excited for our first product to be a kid’s Bible!! Bibles are one of those things you just can’t have enough copies of and I always keep my eyes open for ones I think my kids will like and use on their own. 🙂 🙂 Over Christmas and New Years, we reviewed Zonderkidz updated release of The Beginner’s Bible. Zonderkidz kindly sent us a hardcover copy of the Bible for the purpose of this review.
The Beginner’s Bible is the bestselling Bible storybook, with over 25 million sold! They’ve updated this recent edition and made it even better!!
If you’re new to The Beginner’s Bible, it is written in a storybook format, rather than being organized strictly by chapter and verse. This Bible has more than 90 Bible stories including popular favorites like Adam and Eve, Noah’s Ark, Ten Plagues, Samson, Fiery Furnace, Daniel and the Lions, Jonah and the Big Fish, Baby Jesus is Born, The Good Samaritan, Washing the Disciples’ Feet, The Last Supper, Jesus is Arrested and Crucified, Jesus is Risen!, The Holy Spirit Comes, Jesus is Coming! and LOTS more!
I think this Bible is written well for kids. The language is simple – I would guess that it is a 2nd grade reading level.
Here’s a quick example for you of the language:
“In the beginning, the world was empty.
Darkness was everywhere.
But God had a plan.”
Another sample:
“On the sixth day, God made animals
to creep, crawl, hop, and gallop.
Then from the dust, God made the most
wonderful creature of all – a person.
God named him Adam.
On the seventh day, God rested.”
This version also includes awesome 3-D illustrations. They really do seem to pop out of the page at you! Each page has just a paragraph of text, and the rest of the page is dominated by the captivating illustration. Perfect to help our kids absorb the story both with their ears AND their eyes.
Super cute, right!?!
As my Sweetheart gets a little more vocabulary under her belt, I am going to have her read aloud to me. I think this will be a great reading Bible for her! I especially love the fun language they’ve chosen. For example, “On the fifth day, God made swishy fish and squiggly creatures to live in the ocean.” Cute!!
Now that my oldest is reading independently, he reads the Bible every day as part of his routine. I asked him to take a look at The Beginner’s Bible and he quickly rounded up his siblings to read to them. This quickly became part of their daily routine. I love seeing them snuggled up on the couch, reading the Word together!!
ZonderKidz recommends ages 4-8 for this Bible and I think that’s a fair recommendation. My 3 year old loves the pictures and follows along because he’s getting cuddles, but the stories are a bit long for him to fully sit through and follow. My 9 year old reads it aloud, but it would be too simplistic to be his primary Bible. It’s perfect for their mix of ages though, and will soon be a great tool for my emerging reader!
You can get yours from Zonderkidz!
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