Review: Science Shepherd
Science was my favorite subject in school, so much so that I majored in bioinformatics in college. I love teaching science to my kids, especially science from a Christian creationist perspective but we haven’t yet settled on a science curriculum. I was excited to review the Introductory Science program from Science Shepherd, especially because it’s video based and Super D can do it without me! We received the Introductory Science Level B workbook, answer key, and access to the Introductory Science course videos. Quick summary: we totally love this curriculum. This is one that we will continue to use until he’s finished the course. Read on for details! 🙂
The Introductory Science program is designed to be used 5 days a week for 35 weeks. The lessons are short, just a few minutes each in length. Each lesson comes with a page or 2 of accompanying activities in the workbook. It is designed for ages 6 – 11. The Level A workbook is for ages 6-8, and Level B is for 9-11. Super D turned 9 this month, and I got the Level B workbook for him. He has done great with it. The Level B workbook contains the same material as the Level A, with extra material added in. See below for an example of the Level B workbook. For some of the days, the kids answer the questions in the workbook. Other days, they also have puzzles and activities added in.
I’m really pleased with the amount of topics covered in this Introductory course. It is truly a survey course. The first two weeks are devoted to Introduction, the third to Science Tools, and the following 32 weeks to Earth Science, Life Science, and Physical Science. Those weeks are further broken down into topics like Meteorology, Geology, Oceanography, Plants (3 weeks), Astronomy (2 weeks), Underwater Creatures (2 weeks), Flying Creatures (3 weeks), Land Creatures (3 weeks), Human Beings (3 weeks), Be Healthy, Ecology and Natural Resources (2 weeks), Matter (2 weeks), Energy (2 weeks), Motion, and Magnets.
The videos are well done and Super D has really enjoyed them. I don’t get any complaints from him about completing his science work! He definitely appreciates that the videos are short and he can check off this subject quickly. We can go deeper on any subject we like, and also incorporate in our Classical Conversations memory work. You can see a sample video here: Introductory Science video sample.
I love how Science Shepherd is written with a God-perspective. This introductory course starts with creation, and talks about the character of God. Does God lie? Does God know everything about science? The first week covers the first 3 days of creation. The second week covers the next days, and also talks about dominion. God’s in charge and He delegated authority to us! One activity has the kids list things that their parents have given them dominion over. Part of the dominion discussion includes the cross and Jesus dying for our sin. LOVE. A science curriculum that shares the gospel? And is great at science? #winning
You can connect with Science Shepherd on social media via Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.