Review: Drive Thru History “The Gospels”
Every now and then, a review comes along that we absolutely LOVE and would recommend to everyone. This DVD set is one of those products!! One of our bucket list items is to take the family to Israel, to walk where Jesus walked and experience the land and culture. This documentary, Drive Thru History® – “The Gospels”, created by Drive Thru History®, takes us there.
“The Gospels” set includes 3 DVDs with 18 action-packed episodes, each 30 minute in length. It’s beautifully packaged, and a full color study guide is built into the DVD case.
My kids are still too young to fully appreciate the level of history, Bible scholarship, geography, archeology, and art presented in these DVD’s, but it makes an excellent program for middle school and above. We will revisit these DVD’s with our kids as they grow older. My husband and I are thrilled to watch them now though!
These DVD’s would be great to use in preparation for a trip to Israel! Imagine how much more the sites would come alive, and how much more you would remember from the trip if you’ve been able to use this as preparation beforehand. The producer does a great job of glorifying Jesus and documenting the historical significance of the area.
This documentary would also be great for a small group Bible study, and for anyone who is struggling with their faith or questioning Christianity. Many times, athiests or agnostics need to see historical data in order to “prove” that the Bible is true. This series provides a great contribution to that discussion!
This is the topic breakdown, organized by DVD:
DVD #1
The Historical Landscape
The Announcements
Jesus is Born
Jesus Grows Up
Jesus Starts His Ministry
Jesus Returns to Galilee
DVD #2
Jesus Begins His Miracles
Jesus Teaches with Authority
The Sermon on the Mount
Jesus Travels the Sea of Galilee
Jesus Travels North with the Apostles
A Final Trip to Jerusalem
DVD #3
Jesus Arrives in Jerusalem
The Last Supper
The Trial of Jesus
The Crucifixion of Jesus
The Resurrection of Jesus
The Last Supper
Via this documentary, you get to visit 50 different holy sites in Israel. Each section in the study guide includes a powerful quote. I love this one from Napoleon Bonaparte:
“Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and I have founded empires. But on what did we rest the creations of our genius? Upon force. Jesus Christ founded His empire on love; and at this hour millions of men would die for him.”
Also included in each section is a summary of the episode, and five discussion questions. Bible verses are also listed for each section, so you can easily correlate the area of Israel, history, etc with the Biblical account.
Check out this trailer to get a sneak peek:

In case you hadn’t guessed, I highly recommend this set as an addition to your homeschool or church library! We loved it and will enjoy watching it over and over as the kids grow.
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drivethruhistory/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/drivethruhistory
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drivethruhistory/
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