How Peppermint Essential Oil Saved Christmas
My Christmas Eve disaster was looming.
I was curled up in bed with a cramping stomach as my companion.
What to do, what to do? I mustered up the strength to twist off the cap on my bottle of peppermint oil. Not caring that it would sting a little if I used it straight, I rubbed a few drops on my agonized tummy.
After a while, I crept to the bathroom, and sat on the oh-so-comfortable laminate floor, sniffing the bottle.
Much to my relief, I started to feel… better.
After another few minutes, I returned to bed, a drop of peppermint on my hand, I fell right asleep, and only awoke with my baby.
Morning came without a hint of the previous’ nights affliction. Thanks to peppermint, Christmas was saved.
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