Betrayal by Think Dirty App

We have long relied on the Think Dirty App to help us identify products that are healthier and less toxic. It gave us ratings on how good or bad something was in regards to being cancer causing, toxic to our reproductive/developmental systems, and allergies and immunotoxins.
The app has changed, and those indicators NO LONGER appear.
Worse, many of the products that were once rated badly now appear with MUCH better ratings. Products that were a 10 have changed to a 5, overnight. Other products, as I was searching for them, popped up as the 9 or 10 they once were, then gave an app error, and reverted to a 4 or 5. (The Maybelline makeup, for ex). 😥😥
Check out these photos – the first one in each set is a screenshot I had saved, the following is the new rating.
Why? Our best guess is that the app creators are under pressure from these multi-billion dollar companies and have changed their ratings to keep themselves out of court.
Here is a partial list of things that I look for on a label:
Parabens (any variation that ends in that)
Sodium lauryl sulfate
Petrolatum (petroleum products)
Propylene Glycol
Oxybenzone (sunscreen)
Parabens (any variation that ends in that)
Sodium lauryl sulfate
Petrolatum (petroleum products)
Propylene Glycol
Oxybenzone (sunscreen)
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