Advanced Allergy Therapeutics Visits 5 – 7
We’ve slowed down our visits to once a week, to help with the cost. We could space them out even more (you can do whatever frequency you’d like), but we’re moving cities in a few months, so we want to get as much done as possible!
Over the last few visits, Dr. Hassam finished “trees”, and also tackled sugars and corn. After his second visit for trees, and the one for sugars, he felt pretty bad during the afternoon. He had a headache and laid down for a nap. Dr. Hassam said his body was likely adjusting – those allergens are big ones! He didn’t have any trouble after corn.
He’s continuing to do pretty well as far as breathing outside goes. He hurt his knee about a week and a half ago, so a lot of our focus and attention has shifted to that. Hoping we’re not looking at surgery!
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